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Saving The iPad’s Battery Life With Simple Tips


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iPads have become the ultimate source of productivity, functionality, and entertainment for users. This is because iPads have become a seamless way of watching your favourite TV shows and movies and read comics. In addition, you can conduct digital painting and get creative. However, iPads need tuning once in a while, or otherwise; it leads to slow performance. So, in this article, we are sharing tips to help you optimize battery life and performance. Have a look!

Network Connections 

There are high chances that you iPads for the internet, sharing media and files, and use the radio. However, the activation of different network connections might be essential for you, but it will eventually lead to higher battery drainage. With this being said, it is suggested to switch off the network connections that you aren’t using, such as 4G connectivity, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi. This is because these network connections will consumer higher battery. So, shut off the extra network connections. 


Sure, you love to watch movies and TV shows and read novels. All of this requires a sharp and highly bright display. With this being said, the higher brightness level of the iPad screen will consume power and battery. So, it is suggested that you reduce the battery’s brightness level for boosting up the battery life. In addition, you could use the auto-lock timeout because it decides after how long the display will be switched off once you press the lock/power button. 

Background Data Usage 

Obviously, you cannot use the iPad in flight mode. However, we suggest that you turn off the background app refresh in case you have useless apps lying around on the iPad. With this being said, you can optimize the background data usage through the general section of the settings app. The users can either personalize the background data refresh on a per-app basis or shut off the app completely to save the battery. 

Feature Switch-Off 

The prime reason for the popularity of the iPad is the wide range of unique Apple features, but you can personalize everything to create an easy and efficient user experience. For instance, there are features like AirDrop, Handoff, and iTunes Wi-Fi Sync, and all of them are designed to enhance productivity and share the files. However, if you aren’t using any such feature or app, it is suggested that you switch off the features. In addition, in case you aren’t using the maps, you can always switch off the location services. 

Notifications & Alerts

Obviously, you are going to carry the iPad with you, but the notifications and alerts can be pretty battery-draining. With this being said, if you aren’t expecting any calls, messages, or emails, you can always switch off the notifications and alerts because it will ensure that you can save the battery and power. In addition to notifications and alerts, if you have some useless apps, delete them as well. Even more, if some apps are draining the battery, you can delete them and replace them with the light apps. However, if the battery is already worn out, click here to get the best battery replacement services.